10 Best Private Search Sites List 2023

Private search engines are those dedicated to safeguarding your online privacy and data. Unlike popular search engines like Google, which collect and store user information to personalize ads and search results, private search sites prioritize anonymity and do not track your search history, location, or other personal details. By utilizing these privacy-focused alternatives, you can conduct online searches without constant surveillance, ensuring that your digital activities remain confidential. Some best search engines for privacy include DuckDuckGo, Startpage, and Searx, each offering varying degrees of privacy protection and search capabilities.

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a tool that provides a secure and private connection to the internet.

best private search engines, private search engines

If you are in search of the best private search engines, it’s essential to consider your specific privacy needs and preferences. There are several options available, each with its unique features and levels of privacy protection. For the utmost privacy and anonymity, DuckDuckGo is a popular choice, as it does not track user data or employ personalized advertisements. Startpage is another robust option, offering Google search results without tracking users. For those who desire even more control, Searx is an open-source, self-hosted search engine that allows you to customize your search experience and maintain your data. Evaluating these alternatives can help you select the Best Private Search Engines in 2023 that align best with your privacy concerns and search requirements.

Also read: Best Safe ROM Sites 2023

In this article, we have compiled a list of the top private search engines to assist you in reclaiming your online privacy. These search engines prioritize your confidentiality, ensuring that your search history and personal information remain secure. Whether you are concerned about data tracking, personalized ads, or simply want to browse the internet with peace of mind, our curated selection of private search engines will offer you the options you need to protect your digital footprint.

Why Using a VPN Is Essential for Privacy in People Search Engines?

In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to find information about people online. People search engines provide a convenient way to access personal data, from contact information to social media profiles. However, the convenience of these platforms comes with a significant trade-off: privacy. To protect your personal information and maintain your online anonymity, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is essential.

In an era where online privacy is paramount, using a VPN is essential when navigating people search engines. By adding an extra layer of security and ensuring your data remains private, a VPN helps you safeguard your personal information and maintain your anonymity in the digital world. Choose a reliable VPN service today and take control of your online privacy.

Why you should use private search engines?

Enhanced Privacy: Private search engines do not collect your search history or personal information, providing a higher level of online anonymity.

Reduced Tracking: Unlike mainstream search engines, private alternatives don’t track your online behavior for advertising purposes, resulting in a more personalized and unintrusive browsing experience.

Protection from Targeted Ads: With private search engines, you’ll encounter fewer targeted ads, preserving your online activities from being monetized by third parties.

Minimized Filter Bubbles: Private search engines often present search results without extensive personalization, helping you escape filter bubbles and explore a wider range of content.

Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Since they don’t store your data, private search engines are less susceptible to data breaches, ensuring your sensitive information remains secure.

Peace of Mind: By using private search engines, you can browse the web with peace of mind, knowing that your digital footprint is protected, and your online activities remain confidential.

Significance of Private Search Engines Over Popular Search Engines:

Significance:Private Search Engines:Popular Search Engines:
PrivacyEmphasize user privacy by not tracking search history or personal information.Collect user data for targeted advertising and personalization.
AnonymityOffer a higher level of anonymity by not associating searches with specific users.Create user profiles and track online behavior, potentially compromising anonymity.
Reduced AdsPresent fewer targeted ads, reducing the intrusion of advertising in search results.Display personalized ads based on user data, potentially inundating users with ads.

Escape Filter BubblesPresent search results with reduced personalization, allowing users to see a broader range of content.Use algorithms that create filter bubbles, showing users content aligned with their previous preferences.
Data SecurityLess susceptible to data breaches due to minimal data storage.Data storage poses a higher risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
Peace of MindUsers can browse with confidence, knowing their online activities remain confidential.Users may be concerned about the use of their data and the potential for privacy infringements.

Best Private Search Engines 2023:

1. Startpage:

Startpage is a private search engine known for its commitment to user privacy. It provides Google search results without tracking users’ search history or collecting personal data. By acting as an intermediary, Startpage shields users from online tracking, delivering anonymous and unbiased search results. Users can conduct searches without the worry of targeted ads or data profiling. Startpage’s emphasis on privacy has made it a popular choice for those seeking a more confidential online browsing experience, without sacrificing the convenience of Google’s search results.


Anonymous Browsing: Startpage does not track user searches or store personal information, ensuring anonymous browsing and privacy.

Google Search Results: It provides Google search results without the tracking associated with Google, offering a familiar search experience with enhanced privacy.

Proxy Viewing: Startpage allows users to view search results anonymously via a proxy, protecting their IP address from websites they visit.

No Personalized Ads: Users are not subjected to personalized advertisements, as Startpage doesn’t create user profiles or track online behavior.

Privacy Tools: Startpage offers privacy-related tools, such as a private browser and an option for secure email access, further enhancing users’ online privacy and security.

2. DuckDuckGo:

DuckDuckGo is a renowned private search engine that prioritizes user privacy and data protection. It differentiates itself from mainstream search engines by not tracking users’ search histories, IP addresses, or personal information, ensuring anonymity. DuckDuckGo provides search results and ads that are not influenced by user profiling, creating a more private online experience. With its “bang” feature, it offers quick access to other search engines and websites. DuckDuckGo has gained popularity for those seeking a secure and non-intrusive alternative to conventional search engines while still delivering relevant search results.


Privacy Protection: DuckDuckGo doesn’t track users or store personal information, ensuring private searches.

Instant Answers: It provides instant answers to search queries, reducing the need to click on search results for quick information.

!Bangs: DuckDuckGo’s !bang feature allows users to search other websites directly by using shortcuts (e.g., !wikipedia for Wikipedia searches).

Privacy Grades: The browser extension provides Privacy Grades for websites, indicating their level of privacy protection.

Smarter Encryption: DuckDuckGo enforces secure connections (HTTPs) when available, enhancing online security and protecting user data.

3. Qwant:

Qwant is a privacy-focused search engine that places a strong emphasis on user data protection. It refrains from tracking user activity, offering a private search experience that shields personal information. Qwant’s search results are generated without the use of user data to influence them, ensuring neutrality. It also provides a feature-rich experience, including news, social media, and shopping integration, all while preserving user privacy. Qwant is a valuable choice for individuals who value their online privacy and seek an alternative search engine that respects their data and digital footprint.


Privacy-Centric: Qwant is committed to user privacy, not tracking users, and ensuring anonymous searches.

No Filter Bubble: Qwant aims to provide unbiased results and escape filter bubbles by not personalizing search results based on user data.

News and Social Media Integration: It integrates news and social media content directly into search results, allowing users to access a broader spectrum of information.

Family-Friendly Mode: Qwant offers a family-friendly mode that filters explicit content, making it a safe choice for families.

Digital Library Access: Users can access a digital library from Qwant to explore a vast repository of information, making it a valuable resource for research and knowledge seekers.

4. Searx:

Searx is a unique, open-source metasearch engine designed to prioritize user privacy. Unlike traditional search engines, Searx allows users to create their instances, enabling complete control over their search experience. By querying multiple search engines simultaneously, it provides diverse and uncensored search results. Searx does not store user data or employ tracking mechanisms, guaranteeing user anonymity. With extensive customization options, it empowers users to fine-tune their searches while maintaining their digital privacy. Searx is a versatile choice for those who value privacy, customization, and a decentralized approach to online searching.


Open Source and Self-Hostable: Searx is open-source software, that allows users to self-host their instance or choose from existing public instances, enabling complete control over their search experience.

Customizable Preferences: Users can fine-tune their search experience by selecting preferred search engines, sources, and even categories of results for tailored search results.

Privacy-Centric: Searx does not track users, ensuring anonymity during searches and not storing personal data.

Proxy Feature: It offers a proxy feature for viewing websites anonymously, protecting users from website tracking and preserving privacy.

Diverse Search Sources: Searx aggregates results from a wide range of search engines and sources, providing diverse and uncensored search results without relying on a single provider.

5. SearchEncrypt:

SearchEncrypt is a privacy-centric search engine that places a premium on safeguarding users’ online privacy. It encrypts users’ search queries and results, ensuring that third parties cannot monitor or access their data. SearchEncrypt also offers features like local search and image search, enhancing the search experience while maintaining security. It doesn’t store search data, preserving user anonymity. The search engine is accessible through a browser extension or directly on the web, providing a convenient and secure alternative for those seeking to protect their online activities from prying eyes.


Secure Search Encryption: SearchEncrypt encrypts users’ search queries to prevent eavesdropping and data interception, ensuring private search sessions.

Safe Browsing: It includes a Safe Sites feature that warns users of potentially harmful or malicious websites in search results.

No Tracking: SearchEncrypt does not store user data or track search history, assuring anonymity during searches.

Quick Access to Secure Sites: It offers direct access to secure and encrypted websites, making it easy for users to visit protected sites.

Anonymous Referrer: SearchEncrypt hides the referral information when you click on a search result, protecting your browsing history from being shared with websites you visit.

6. Gibiru:

Gibiru is a private search engine known for its focus on user privacy. It offers anonymous browsing by not tracking user data or search history, ensuring a confidential online experience. Gibiru employs a proxy network to provide search results, further protecting user anonymity. Unlike mainstream search engines, Gibiru prioritizes uncensored and unfiltered search results. It’s particularly popular among those who value both privacy and freedom of information, providing a secure alternative for users who are concerned about their online privacy and data protection.


Uncensored Results: Gibiru aims to provide unfiltered and uncensored search results, emphasizing the importance of free and open access to information.

Privacy-Focused: The search engine does not track users or store personal data, ensuring private and anonymous searching.

Google Proxy: Gibiru offers a “Google Proxy” option, allowing users to access Google search results without being tracked by Google’s data collection methods.

Privacy Toolbar: The Privacy Toolbar extension helps users protect their online privacy by blocking tracking scripts and providing encryption for web browsing.

Zero Click Results: Gibiru offers a unique “Zero Click Results” feature, delivering information directly in search results, and reducing the need to click on links for quick answers.

7. Ecosia:

Ecosia is a unique search engine that stands out by emphasizing environmental conservation. It operates on a “tree-planting” model, where a significant portion of its ad revenue is used to fund tree-planting initiatives worldwide. Ecosia is privacy-conscious, not tracking users and offering encrypted search results. This eco-friendly search engine appeals to users who want to make a positive impact on the environment with their online searches. Ecosia combines the power of search with social and environmental responsibility, allowing users to contribute to reforestation efforts while conducting everyday web searches.


Tree-Planting Model: Ecosia uses a significant portion of its ad revenue to plant trees worldwide, allowing users to contribute to reforestation efforts simply by conducting searches.

Transparency: Ecosia provides detailed reports on their tree-planting projects, giving users visibility into how their searches are making a positive environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Servers: Ecosia’s servers run on renewable energy, reducing its carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Privacy: While not its primary focus, Ecosia still protects user privacy by not tracking or profiling users.

Mobile Apps: Ecosia offers mobile apps for Android and iOS, making it convenient for users to access its eco-friendly search engine on various devices.

8. Swisscows:

Swisscows is a privacy-focused search engine that originated in Switzerland. It prides itself on providing secure and anonymous search services, not storing user data or employing tracking methods. The search engine uses semantic technology to deliver highly relevant results without compromising user privacy. Swisscows emphasizes family-friendly search and filters explicit content. With its commitment to privacy and user protection, Swisscows has gained recognition among individuals who seek a safe and private search alternative, particularly for families and those concerned about data privacy.


Semantic Search: Swisscows employs semantic search technology to deliver highly relevant search results, enhancing the accuracy and precision of search queries.

No Tracking or Data Collection: It does not track users or store personal information, ensuring anonymous and confidential searches.

Family-Friendly: Swisscows provides a safe search mode, filtering explicit content to make it suitable for family use.

Encrypted Connection: All connections to Swisscows are encrypted, ensuring secure and private search sessions.

Anonymous Searching: Users can conduct anonymous searches without their IP addresses being logged or traced, preserving user anonymity and data privacy.

9. Mojeek

Mojeek is a privacy-oriented search engine that prioritizes user data protection. Unlike mainstream search engines, Mojeek does not track users’ search history or collect personal information, ensuring a confidential online experience. It operates its web crawler and index, which sets it apart from many search engines that rely on third-party data. This self-reliance allows Mojeek to maintain a strong commitment to user privacy. For individuals concerned about their online privacy and data security, Mojeek serves as a reliable and private search engine choice, providing relevant results while respecting user anonymity.


Independent Index: Mojeek maintains its web index, ensuring users receive search results without relying on third-party data sources or influences.

No Tracking: Mojeek doesn’t track user searches, making it a privacy-focused alternative to mainstream search engines.

Family-Friendly Filters: It provides family-friendly filtering to prevent explicit content from appearing in search results, making it suitable for all ages.

Anti-Bias Results: Mojeek aims to provide unbiased and politically neutral search results, avoiding the influence of personalization or political biases.

No Ads Profiling: Mojeek doesn’t create user profiles or employ personalized advertising, enhancing user privacy and reducing the intrusion of targeted ads.

10. MetaGer:

MetaGer is a privacy-focused metasearch engine based in Germany. It differentiates itself by providing a high level of user privacy. MetaGer does not store IP addresses or user data, ensuring a confidential search experience. It aggregates search results from various search engines while anonymizing users’ queries. The service also includes a proxy feature for visiting websites anonymously. For those who prioritize privacy and data security, MetaGer offers a trustworthy and secure search engine option, allowing users to browse the web while minimizing their digital footprint and exposure to tracking.


Privacy-Centric: MetaGer is dedicated to safeguarding user privacy by not storing IP addresses or personal data, ensuring anonymous searching.

Metasearch Functionality: It aggregates search results from various search engines, providing diverse and comprehensive search outcomes.

Anonymous Proxy: MetaGer includes a proxy feature that allows users to visit websites anonymously, further enhancing privacy.

No Personalized Ads: The search engine does not create user profiles or employ personalized advertising, reducing the intrusion of targeted ads.

Open Source: MetaGer is open source, which means its code is transparent and can be reviewed by the community, adding a layer of trust for privacy-conscious users.

Comparisons of top private search engines:

Search Engines:Privacy Focus:Search Results Source:Features:Environmental Initiatives:Additional Info:
StartpageStrong privacy focus
Google resultsAnonymous browsingNo specific environmental initiativesKnown for privacy
DuckDuckGoStrong privacy focus
Multiple sourcesInstant answers, !BangsNo specific environmental initiativesPopular for privacy
QwantStrong privacy focus
Mix of sourcesNews, social integrationNo specific environmental initiativesFamily-friendly
SearxPrivacy focusUser-defined sourcesSelf-hosting, proxyNo specific environmental initiativesOpen source
SearchEncryptPrivacy focusNot specifiedSecure search encryptionNo specific environmental initiativesFocuses on encryption
GibiruPrivacy focusNot specifiedUncensored resultsNo specific environmental initiativesEmphasis on freedom
EcosiaModerated focusBing resultsTree planting modelCommitted to reforestationFocuses on reforestation
SwisscowsPrivacy focusNot specifiedSemantic searchNo specific environmental initiativesFocuses on relevance
Privacy focusMaintains own indexIndependent index, no trackingNo specific environmental initiativesOpen source
MetaGerPrivacy focusAggregates sourcesNo specific environmental initiativesNo specific environmental initiativesOpen source

FAQs about Best People Search Engines:

What is a private search engine?

A private search engine is a web search tool that prioritizes user privacy by not tracking or storing user data. It aims to provide search results without compromising anonymity.

How do private search engines protect my privacy?

Private search engines typically use encryption to secure your search queries and do not store your search history or personal information. They also avoid personalized advertising.

Are private search engines as effective as popular search engines like Google?

Private search engines can offer similar search results, but they may not provide the same level of personalization. The trade-off is enhanced privacy.

What are the advantages of using private search engines?

The main advantages are enhanced privacy, reduced tracking, fewer targeted ads, minimized filter bubbles, and a reduced risk of data breaches.

Are there any downsides to using private search engines?

Private search engines might not provide personalized results, and their features can be different from popular search engines. Users should weigh privacy against personalization based on their preferences.


Private search engines have emerged as a compelling solution for individuals seeking to protect their online privacy and data security. By prioritizing anonymity, these search alternatives offer users the peace of mind that their digital activities remain confidential. With a commitment to not tracking user data, reduced targeted ads, and minimized filter bubbles, private search engines provide an attractive alternative to popular search engines. While there may be trade-offs in terms of personalized results, the paramount importance of safeguarding user privacy in the digital age makes private search engines a valuable and increasingly popular choice for those seeking a more secure online experience. If you want safe browsing then highly recommended using a VPN.

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